Thyroid Nodule Microwave Ablation in Mumbai

Nonsurgical treatment of Benign Thyroid Nodules


Thyroid nodules are solid or fluid-filled lumps that form within your thyroid gland. Traditionally, surgical intervention was the primary treatment method for these nodules.

Thyroid Nodule Microwave Ablation a nonsurgical, minimally invasive, outpatient procedure that uses heat to shrink thyroid nodules, has now become an increasingly popular treatment option for patients with benign thyroid swelling.

thyroid gland treatment


A thin needle (microwave antenna) is inserted through the skin, directly into the thyroid nodule under local anesthesia and using ultrasound guidance. Once in position, the microwave antenna is activated to heat and destroy the abnormal thyroid tissue. The antenna may then be repositioned under ultrasound guidance to ensure complete ablation.

After the procedure – small incision on skin is then covered with bandages with no sutures. The patient is discharged within 3-4 hours after the procedure.



Before recommending microwave ablation treatment (MWA), a Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of the thyroid nodule (FNAC) is required to confirm its benign nature.


Patients having the following symptoms are ideal candidates for this procedure –

cosmetic issues
  • Cosmetic issues:
    Lump in the neck which is felt on examination or visible on the skin causing cosmetic issue
Diffusely enlarged thyroid
  • Compression symptoms:
    1. Changes in voice
    2. Trouble swallowing
    3. Difficulty breathing
    4. Neck discomfort and pain
Diffusely enlarged thyroid
  • Diffusely enlarged thyroid: Multinodular and diffuse goiter
Compression symptoms
  • Hyperthyroidism due to toxic nodule (causing excessive production of thyroid hormones)



cosmetic issues
  • Minimally Invasive:
    1. Done under ultrasound guidance
    2. Involves Inserting only a needle or thin probe into the thyroid gland
    3. Lesser complications
Diffusely enlarged thyroid
  • No General Anaesthesia:
    Requires only local anaesthesia
Diffusely enlarged thyroid
  • Reduced Recovery Time:
    1. Daycare procedure
    2. Shorter hospital stay
    3. Able to return to normal activities quickly
Compression symptoms
  • Thyroid Preserving:
    1. Targets only the thyroid nodule
    2. Maintains the overall function of the Thyroid gland
Compression symptoms
  • No Scarring:
    1. Aesthetically good results
    2. No ugly scarring in neck


Thyroid Nodule Microwave Ablation in mumbai, by targeting a small amount of nodule tissue exclusively, preserves the surrounding thyroid tissue, keeping it undamaged and healthy.

he has become a leading Interventional Radiologist in Mumbai. For consultation call on 90040 93090

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